I am interested in a wide range of research topics in cyber security (currently focusing on Trustworthy AI and Applied Cryptography), and I am always actively looking for self-motivated students.
If you have the same research interests as me and want to do a PhD degree at Griffith, please email me with your CV, transcript, and eligible English test score.
If you work in a slightly different field and want me to host you, please email me the required material, and I will contact you further.
The AUHEPS scheme is for those who have recently completed (or are in the process of completing) a bachelor degree with honours program or an eligible HDR pathway program at Griffith University.
For the GUPRS scheme, there is an EOI (express of interest) stage followed by the full application (3 rounds per year, with September being the main round).
For the CSC-Griffith scheme, there is a separate application at Griffith (normally open in November every year). After obtaining the conditional offer from Griffith, you can then make the application to CSC.
For the normal CSC scheme, please follow the instructions from CSC.
To be successful in the scholarship competition, applicants generally should have: 1. a valid English test, 2. GPA > 80 (out of 100 and the higher the better) for the Bachelor and the Master, 3. First-authored JCR Q1 publications >= 2.
Opportunities for Visiting Scholars/PhD Students
I can host up to 2 CSC visiting scholars (including visiting PhD students) each year as per CSC requirement.